Friday, May 09, 2008

Neighborhood Talk: Legacy Square HOA

Recent posts from Legacy Square neighbors (the original posts can be found at "Legacy Square: Neighborhood Suggestions") :

"WHO IS FRANK MOORE? Who voted to change the administrator?? Why did they get rid of the other person? I spoke to that woman when I had to question what I owed in back dues, and she was very nice and polite to me. I think she should have been given a chance to help us."

"We are down to 4 board members now? What happened?"

"Why doesn't the community have a say in who is our administrator!? We just got this last one and now there is someone else?!! WHY?"

"I think there is something wrong with the new board. I spoke to the president and he was very rude."

"Pretty incredible that this new president has already fired the new administrator. Who's watching the show??"

"I'm ok with there not being a pool attendant if they are going to be like what we've had in the past. The season before last, we had a great one. Last season, we had a bunch of duds that would smoke, listen to loud music I didn't want my children to hear, hang with their own friends, etc. If you can get an attedant that is responsible and doing the job and not charge us extra in HOA fees, then I'm ok with that. As far as for kids at the pool jumping, running and screaming... I have two kids, now ages 11 and 13. They are K-I-D-S and will act like it. They do not dive in the pool but if they want to hold hands and jump in the deep then that is ok. No harm to anyone. If they want to talk and laugh and play, they should be able to and if someone thinks it is to loud or not peaceful enough then maybe they need to go to a spa or their backyard. We have always tended to go when there is either no one there or only one other family as to not disturb anyone. We follow the pool runs of no diving or running, etc. but for someone to say they want peacefulness when they are there... That is just silly. Maybe go while others are at school/work or early morning/late evening. It is a community pool. A small one at that for how many? Around 300 families? Lets be realistic about it. I was told 2yrs ago there was a plan to build a larger, nicer olympic sized pool in the back of Legacy along with an RV park for boats, RVS etc. What happened to that? And is it still an option?"

...What do YOU think?

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At 9/08/2008 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anyone else concerned about a large church going into the neighborhood and the amount of traffic that will be generated?

At 11/10/2008 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am, I live in Stonebridge and twice now they have held events where they have driven and parked on the bike path almost hitting children. They also ran over and parked in bushes we have been trying to get to grow in for that past two years. I emailed the church office of course they didn't respond. So far they haven't been very neighborly. They seem to act like they own the place.


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