Chapel Park: Neighborhood Suggestions
Chapel Park at Berwick Plantation, Savannah, GA
What ideas do you have for improving the neighborhood and making it a better place to live?
Simply click on "comments" below and let your voice be heard!
Berwick Plantation Neighborhoods, Savannah, GA
A community service courtesy of Jim Hawkins (912) 656-1082 Website:
i am thinking of buying in chapel park, and was hoping for anyone's honest opinion of the berwick plantation neighborhood, and the area surrounding it.
Plant more trees!! It's disappointing to see all of the trees have been cut down to develop the Berwick neighborhoods. The homes at Chapel Park are beautiful, but I can't imagine why a builder would design the majority of houses to have 1-car garages. With 3-5 bedrooms, there is most likely more than one driver per family. Having more garages to park cars not only keeps the neighborhood looking nicer and neater, but is a major selling point for home buyers who want a functional home.
Plant more trees, no parking in the streets, keep to the convenents....don't bend the rules for anyone!
I would really like for the pool and gym to be more maintain than it is with the kids being able to just roam unattended at the pool site jumping off the sides as if theres a diving board Ive been afraid someone child will hurt themselves. And far as the exercise equipment kids are just going in the gym just to fondle with the equipment as if it were toys.
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