Legacy Square: Neighborhood Suggestions
Legacy Square at Berwick Plantation, Savannah, GA
What ideas do you have for improving the neighborhood and making it a better place to live?
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I am a little confused, why would making $20k be an issue for a treasurer. Also I don't think mildew on a house makes for a bad person. I think you are going a little over board. If you dislike the association then step up and tell people rather then write here in this blog.
Better yet...why not write your real concerns here? Just a thought.
Anyone know who the point of contact is for adding an addition to your home?
First of all, mostly everyone in Legacy Square comes from various cultures and come from different backgrounds. As neighbors, you would think that we as people in America could treat one another with just a little bit of respect. Well, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Spencer Howell on Saturday, June 3,2006. He is Legacy Square's vice-president association and the editor of the newsletter. I attempted to call him at home and once again, my husband and I could never seem to reach him by phone or email. Our conflict began with the procedures that are being use at the pool house. The pool attendant has a list of all of the homeowners who are deliquent on their dues. So this person has the pleasure of informing everyone if they can use the pool. I personally feel that this should not be one of his duties, but of the homeowner's association. To make along story short. Mr. Howell is a wolf in sheep clothing. He was very unprofessional and beligerent when he spoke to me. When I attempted to speak to him by phone he did not pick up, but he hurried to the pool to address me. I went to the pool to give the pool attendant my number to have Mr. Howell call me. I feel that it is very inappropriate for my children to go to pool and have the attendant tell them they can not get in the pool because their parents need to pay their dues. Why would I send my children over to the pool if I had not paid. I wanted to ask Mr. Howell why was my name still on the list for deliquent dues, when I mailed him a payment. Mr. Howell starts by saying, " I left my dinner on the stove to come deal with you." He said to me that I needed to pay my dues if I wanted to live out here. He also went on to question my integrity, whether I mail my a payment or not. I offered to show him my checkbook receipt, but he refused. I have never been treated so terribly by anyone who held a public office. Mr. Howell also questioned me to say "Do you even know what the amenities are out here?" I was very appaulled. My family was one of the first ones in Legacy Square when there was no amenties. We have always paid our dues. The last payment was purposely not paid. Why? There are a handful of people that have changed the rules of pool and the association. They have not given this community the opportunity to vote on the things they changed. There are such things as surverys. They changed the age limit to enter pool, the hours of the pool and put locks on the gate. My husband and I have attended many of the meetings. It was the Spencer's idea to restrict the homeowner's from the pool for deliquent dues. I was at the meeting. Alot of the changes with pool and the association was voted in by the association board with little input from the homeowner's. How can you do this? When you are a part of the association board and friends with the asso. board, you can get away with anything. This is the first year that there has been the practice of having a list of homeowner's with deliquent dues at the pool. My main points are that children should not be involve in adult conflicts. A more professional way of handling things is to inform the homeowner's in writing that they will be confronted at the pool when they are deliquent on their dues. Mr. Howell's conversation with me was very disrespectful. I guess I appeared to be the type of person he could treat this way. He did not want to speak with my husband by phone to repeat his remarks. I called him any way, but he did not talk to my husband in the same manner. Mr. Howell's entire personality changed after the president of the legacy square asso. arrived. I was not irate with him. It was in my opinion with him, I talk, you listen. I was over talked, put down and I felt it was a slap in my face. Mr. Spencer Howell is not qualified to be a part of the Legacy Square Homeowner's Association because he does not know how to agree to disagree or handle objections. On the other hand, the president of the homeowner's association was very respectful to me with my concerns.
The elections for a new board are coming up. Please make your voice heard and make sure you vote. If we want to see changes, we all have to vote and make this a great community to live in.
Dear Neighbors,
I hope that all my neighbors living here will take the time to read the new "draft" copy of the proposed changes to the Covenants and Restrictions. I will withhold my personal opinion of the board other than saying they missed their calling as prison guards or maybe members of the Iranian Guard.
The pool Gestapo aside, these new changes will remove all rights and voting privileges from us and give complete control to the board without any recourse from homeowners. They go so far as to make themselves immune from prosecution for unlawful trespass and entry onto your property. They give themselves the right to raise assessments and dues at their discretion (no voting). I am an older person and in all my life have never seen a more discriminatory, biased, capricious, and disrespectful document. I do not ask that you buy into my point of view, only that you take the time to read the entire document and make up your own mind. We homeowners need a grassroots effort to defeat this measure or we will all be at the mercy of the association board zealots. PLEASE READ THE DRAFT!
"new changes will remove all rights and voting privileges from us and give complete control to the board without any recourse from homeowners. They go so far as to make themselves immune from prosecution for unlawful trespass and entry onto your property"
I dont think the got the wright to go to our property and do what they want, is this is the case, then the asso need to pay my morgage and all that include to own a house, you guys need to draft new rules that accomodate everyone, not a few, we also live here.
We need to have a HOA meeting to try and resolve some of these issues, when is the next meeting????? hopefully it will be posted on the message board exiting the neighbordhood.
Witht he economy falling, people in the lokk for houses are getting away of the HOA, try to sell youre house and the first question they ask if we have a HOA, after the "Yes we do" they run out to find another place, just imagine with this future rules that dont give us any input to us, just a few people in the neiborhood, scary.Some of us have a very thight schedule, we work hard for what we got, and try to make a better living for our families, not to make it hard. I just going to sell the house and move to another area, they can keep Legacy Square.
We need new board members. Who is going to run and what can you tell us about yourself. Course you might want to post quick since we only have 4 days to get this turned in... Also I completely disagree with the new rules they are trying to put in the drafted covenants and I hope we can all make the next meeting, whenever it is if they make up their minds so we can put a stop to this nonsense. Speaking of the current board members in charge, they are devils and sheep clothing... watch out. I know from personal experience.
So far, I know of 3 people that will be nominated on the forms included in the Newsletter received yesterday. Nominations are due by 2/18 which is Monday. Since this is such short notice, please hand-deliver to the UPS Store in the Berwick Marketplace for deposit into Box 268. Only 4 days later, Voting will be on 2/22 at 7pm which is a week from Friday at Southwest Baptist Church, 831 Little Neck Road to elect a new Board of Directors. You all know what the issues are by now! This is a very important election and hope that as many residents as possible can attend to cast their votes!!!!!
Nominees to the Board of Directors are urged to identify yourself and qualifications so that voters will know who you are before time runs out on the 18th!
This mmetings need to be done on a weekend, not in the middle of the week to acomodate everyone,we have kids, meals to do, study time, etc, also they need to anounce this in the board, flyers and something with plenty of time, not a the last minute thing, and with out excuses that i only have 40 emails, WALK house to house then, is a small comunity, so we the real home home owners "the ones that pay the orgages" can participate. This is HOA is turning like a comunist country and dictators and not allowed...........
What are the names of the current board members? I want to make SURE I don't vote for them by accident come the 22nd. Also what all positions are there, I understand there are 7 total... Thanks!
When owners go to the meeting on the 22nd I hope the Bd introduce themselves so we know not to vote their name I'd vote for anyone but them I am taking a paper and write down other names as they read nominees and put their name down and one with most nominations get my vote
Shouldn't the Covenant Protect the Homeowners....Not the Board? The purpose of a Covenant is to Protect and Preserve our Community not a Group of People who are retired or don't have to work. Unless they pay our mortgages and other bills associted with our houses they need to stay off our property or be treated like any other trespasser. These postions should not be paid positions....like the thousands of other communities who have HOAs on a volunteer basis. I don't agree with putting my dog "who is here to protect what I have worked very hard for" on a leash while he is locked up in my back yard. As a matter of fact you better check the laws with the city because I have heard of people being fined for chaining a dog up in your backyard and some dogs are masters at escaping no matter how you restrain them. Some of us have small dogs also that are trained to stay in our yards and are outside under our supervision. How can a 10lb dog be such a threat to anyone. What's next....chain up our kids so they don't destroy the neighbors property...some of your kids do need to be chained up ...but God forbid the day our right of Freedom in America be taken away by a HOA. There are a lot of military that live here and they all take offense to having the freedoms they fight for taken away by some idiots.
How sad that we have come to this. I only hope that everyone will make an effort to come to the meeting on 2/22 at 7 pm. If we don't make our voices heard, shame on us.
Spence Howell is our supposed administrator. He is paid ALOT of money - what has he done for us?! NOTHING. I don't want him to continue taking advantage of us. SPEAK OUT to protect your investment!
I would like to see a subcommittee formed to investigate the possibility of having the property management of Legacy Square outsourced. This would prove to be very beneficial to Legacy Square
residents. I realize our dues may increase slightly but this is a small prize to pay in order to improve and maintain high standards for Legacy Square residents.
Guess what? If we get rid of the crooks on the board now, we would be able to keep the dues at the same rate. How could Southbridge's dues be only a bit more than ours?! What is the reason for that?
We need enough nominations to vote enough people in to get all those currently on the board off.
So please make sure you all get your forms turned in by the 18th and nominate yourself if your willing. Also I think it is IMPORTANT to have the votes counted in front of or by someone other than a board member, to make sure this election is fair!
A personal thanks to the people who came to talk to me this afternoon. I will make sure to be at that meeting next week.
Hello Everyone:
This is your chance for change if that is what you want or do you want the same? The choice is ours. Let's have a complete and fair vote, let every vote count, and at the same time while we vote our new members for the next year, let's have a vote at the meeting to find a outside management group to oversee the committee. Other homeowner groups do this, and it works. This group would collect the dues, pay the bills and enforce our current rules and regulations. Let's have a vote. I hope to see each and everyone on election day.
A concerned citizen
Thank You
We also need a professional to conduct a complete audit to reveal that expenses were reasonable, legitimate and legal. I have heard some terrible things about cash that was spent and I want to know if this has occurred and for exactly what purpose and to who. I want to see accountability and take appropriate action if necessary if what I have heard is true.
the first blog here says the treasurer gets $20k a year? For doing what? Does he pay taxes on that? Does he have professional credentials to qualify and deserve that income? I want to know what this draft cost us too! Who decided to do that? Why do they want so much money? Why do they think we should be beneath them and give them all this power? I can't wait to vote them out!
Does anyone know how many of us in Legacy even know what is going down on the 22nd? I only know because of emails I got. How many were reached this weekend by someone coming to their door?
Based on the increase of entries to this blog and the emails circulating through the neighborhood, I would say that the message is out there.
With around 300 residents and only about 50 on email... that isn't enough.
You are correct that a complete email list was not offered nor available from the Board and Spence Howell. However, the CONCERNED homeowners made the effort to spread the word. Do your part and tell a neighbor.
Counted the email list - there are over 100. Just got the priority email tonight and what a mess the Bd. created! Who do these Bd. people think they are? Even shut out a active duty miliary family overseas to vote - just outrageous!
I've done more than my part as one of those CONCERNED neighbors talking to people over the phone and in person. Thanks for your concern. Interesting how I can ask a simple question and get chewed for it as not being concerned enough... obviously I am to ask the question and take time to post here.
Completely off subject but does anyone in Legacy (or Berwick) teach piano lessons? Thanks.
Anyone who believes that "outside management" is the answer to our current board problems is simply Very Misinformed. The ONLY thing that will result from such a move is INCREASED ASSESSMENTS. I've been a condominium president and a partner in an "outside management" business. I guarantee you I know what I'm talking about.
First message to the person looking for piano lessons: I believe there was something on the glass board in Legacy Square, but it's long gone. I'd suggest posting your request there (unfortunately, you may have to ask Spence Howell for permission).
Second: If this board costs me more money, I intend to sue them. They've mismanaged our money already. Ask them WHERE the stickers are for the cars? Ask them HOW MUCH they spent without our permission.
Here's a thought:
1) The Board and it's officers are voluntary positions, i.e., no payment for services. If you want to be paid for your time, don't volunteer.
2) The Board needs to subcontract the management of the HOA to a third party that can manage all aspects of the HOA independently and will be held accountable to its contract.
3) The HOA rates are set and not subject to change without a vote. This should bring fiscal accountability to the HOA and negates the "special assessment" option as proposed because that completely eliminates any fiscal accountability.
4) Indemnification of the Board and its officers from matters that involve decisions made by the homeowners is fine, but it is not acceptable to indemnify the Board and its officers from decisions made by the Board and its officers if those decisions impact the integrity of the neighborhood.
5) The Board and its officers should not have the right to sell the common areas, nor should they have the right to trespass on private property.
6) Yes, there are some "upkeep" issues that need to be addressed, i.e. personal lawn maintenance, unruly/unsupervised kids at the pool (yes, the pool attendant has helped this tremendously) and general respect for the common areas.
We already have rules and regulations that cover most of the issues that the Board is attempting to re-address in the new Declaration. Shouldn't the Board and its officers simply enforce the rules already in place? Bring the other issues to a vote and amend the existing covenants. HOAs are a huge asset when they run properly. Having an accountable HOA will improve your resale value by maintaining the standards that attract potential buyers to the neighborhood. Diminishing the role of an accountable HOA will only have a negative effect on home values and the quality of life among neighbors.
At 2/19/2008 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
Having an outside company manage the homeowners' association is a great idea. Every neighborhood I have lived in did this and it worked out just fine. First, you have companies bid on the job, then you hire the best (not always the cheapest)contractor. They usually have better buying power because they manage several locations so they can get better pricing on lawn care and pool maintenance... They know how much they will be paid up front and they manage to the budget. They can address problems among the homeowners without causing problems between homeowners. This is a great solution to the current problem.
Having an outside company manage the homeowners' association is a great idea. Every neighborhood I have lived in did this and it worked out just fine. First, you have companies bid on the job, then you hire the best (not always the cheapest)contractor. They usually have better buying power because they manage several locations so they can get better pricing on lawn care and pool maintenance... They know how much they will be paid up front and they manage to the budget. They can address problems among the homeowners without causing problems between homeowners. This is a great solution to the current problem.
When Legacy Square has had meetings of any kind, only a handful of residents have shows up or shows any interest in attending. Thus, the LHSA and the Committees have operated in a vacumn, with NO imput from anyone. To be honest... we should be grateful that there is still a Homeowner's Association of any kind in existence and I applaud the hard work of those who have kept the LHSA going.
However, I do agree that major changes must be made in how the LHSA operates and the Homeowner's MUST be more involved in every step of the process. It would make a lot more sense to have Bi-Monthly business meetings of the entire LHSA and have the Committee meetings follow the General meeting so that every resident can be in attendance. I for one, simply do not have enough time to be able to make several different committee meetings a month even though I want to be informed.
I also feel strongly that the LHSA as a whole needs to slow down and hold several meetings to review and discuss the New Covenants. Until the Homeowner's understand the changes and until we approve them and are comfortable that they protect our interests, I will vigorously campaign against any attempt to force them upon us.
Further, I am shocked and sickened at the amount of disinformation and petty insults that some members are slinging around about others. If you cannot offer constructive criticism, please keep your opinions to yourself.
To the last post - While I can agree with you on several issues, the attendance problem for meetings can be alleviated by simply INFORMING the community when there are meetings - and HAVING MEETINGS. I do not believe there has been a general meeting in over a year. And I do not know of any other committee than the Neighborhood Watch, which meets faithfully every month - unless they notify members ahead of time, which they did in December and January.
With respect to your comments about disinformation and petty insults, the Board has NEVER responded to any of the emails addressing the issues brought up by the homeowners. The emails circulating are simply facts, stating what has transpired, what the covenants say (which should have been sent to EVERY homeowner in the community), and concerns about the future of the community.
Many of us are on limited incomes and are trying to manage our money. Using our dues to frivolously rewrite the covenants when they are not enforced anyway is a waste of our hard-earned money. Not communicating with the homeowners only makes us wonder what the Board is really up to, and who they are trying to protect.
How can other communities manage so well, on similar dues but more amenities? Where are our dollars going? Why hasn't the Board sent out financial statements to the homeowners with the quarterly invoices?
Who are the current Board members? Does anyone know? What are the positions the nominees are running for? Does anyone know who is running? Does the current Board think they are going to tell us at the meeting, instead of informing us ahead of time?
Sir, I am shocked and sickened at what is happening to our lovely community.
I'm truly saddened by some of the comments I have read this past few days. I don't understand the reason for such anger and the tone that this has developed into. I'm not on the board or do I have a desire to be on the board but please let's give the board members some credit. They have given a lot of their time to try and improve the community for everyone. Yes, there are things that can be corrected but please let's do this together. I do agree that we should look into an outside group to manage the community. I believe this would improve things for everyone. Let's please bring our views and opinions to the meeting and work together and stop with the anger and start with a sense of direction for getting the job done with everyone at hand.
Thank you.
Absolutely agree "Let's please bring our views and opinions to the meeting and work together"
Read the update 2/20/08
Excuse me!
This is to the individual making all the demands this morning. I did not ask you to represent me in this matter so please do not use the statement with YOUR demands that you represent ALL owners of Legacy Square HOA!
I have my own questions for the board, and I will ask my questions when I'm good and ready so do not speak for me.
Thank you.
You want things to change? Make sure those previously on the board are not voted back in.... such as Rev. Garvin, Melinda Smith and most importantly Rev. Peacock. He is one lying son of a Bleep. He is behind all this madness and probably re-nominated himself back up for the board. He is the current president and a real piece of work. See ya'll tonight.
So much hype on email and on this board yet less than 50 showed up tonight. And the meeting got pretty much nothing done, not even voting since there were only 7 people nominated for 7 positions... wonder if that was set up? Thanks to those that came, even if it was a waste of my time, all 15 minutes of it.
I feel so relieved that there are now 4 new members on our new Bd of Directors of 7 members. They have great experience and backgrounds - plus they are all against the draft!!!!!! I now have hope that our neighborhood will be a better place for all of us. I know these new members will have an entirely different approach that will make Legacy Square an even better place to live. I also think that some great new ideas and terrific suggestions were made by responsible and caring people on this blog and enjoyed reading them. Tonight was well worth taking a ride out in this nasty, rainy weather to know firsthand that issues will be handled in a much more reasonable, sensible way.
I would like to take a few minutes to congratulate the new members of our committee. You had a tough campaign, and you each won. Best wishes to you.
As each of us know, it is hard to get the community involved with less than 50 people (not households)who showed up for the meeting last Friday. It is going to take each and everyone of us to make this a community we can be proud of, and it will take a lot of hard work.
Some areas I have concerns with are as follows:
1. Keeping your house siding clean
2. Keeping your grass cut and
edged and property free of
3. Keeping the community
walkways cleaned and
4. Picking up after your
5. Putting your trash can
6. The pool and
playground safety/upkeep
7. The pool is for residents
and a specified number of
guests. Too many times a
resident will have a party
at the pavilion, and it
turns into a pool
party. The
pool is so full of
guests that our
residents cannot
use the pool.
If the rumors I've heard are true, this would be a great opportunity for the Board to research an outside management group to manage Legacy Square. Hiring an OUTSIDE management group would eliminate any possibility of a conflict of interest.
someone just crash our front entrance on Legacy Square, the accident still there
Does anyone know what happened to the gate at the front entrance on the left as you come into Legacy Square? It looks like someone crashed a car into it.
Is the pool scheduled to open May 1st again this year? Can we open it early, say in April? Thanks!
A man crashed his car through the gate in a single car accident. I heard a copy of the accident report is in the hands of the new administrator (outside agency)for our community and they are getting quotes to have it repaired. It should be fixed soon. The pool looks like it will open as scheduled on May 1. Hopefully a newsletter will come out soon, because the new board has made some progress.
here the new board already lost a member. sounds like more of the same stuff.
what happend to the new management company?
To answer the last entrant - I have it on good authority that the Board lost Mr. Peacock of the old board. There is a new management company
Nothing has changed in the neighborhood. What happened to the web site? It isn't done and nobdy has a newsletter. Is there a new document with rules and regulations? Who is in charge? I think the new board is just the same wolf in sheeps clothing. baaaaaaaaa bbbaaaaa
so what happened to the new BOARD who made us vote for them and now we don't hear from them? You just wanted to make sure you didnt get that new covenent passed.
Mr. Peacock leaving is a blessing. The new board already have a new website which is more helpful than the other site. I don't know what they are doing for the neighborhood but I don't expect them to turn the things wrong in Legacy in such a short period of time when they have gone on forever. They have secured a management team which is a huge step forward.
And you know that, um, because you are a BOARD MEMBER!
I was pleasantly surprised while picking up my mail from my POB. The newsletter from the new board caught my eye and I couldn't get over how beautiful it is. The well-written articles and all the pictures make me feel proud to be a homeowner of Legacy Square. Thank you so much.
I just blogged about the newsletter I received, before reading the previous blogs. I am appalled at whoever wrote such a disrespectul and rude remark about the president. You should be ashamed of your bad manners and apologize. Because of that ill-mannered remark, I am sending the president an email to tell him that he is doing a good job and not wait until the general meeting.
who that person with saying all nasty stuf? I don't likes him already and you needin a doctor and geting help caus you gots some big problem in your head
What news letter? I did not get mine!
Awesome Newsletter!!!
I read the newsletter today, and I'm disappointed in a couple of areas.
One: There was no election or voting as not enough people applied for the positions--so if you applied, you became a board member. Simple as that.
Two: Your new pool rules have a some areas that need to be reviewed.
a. What happens when a party/picnic in the picnic area turns into a pool party and home owners cannot use the pool because there is no room. I saw this happen last year, and the pool attendant had to control the situation.
b. How are you going to keep control of homeowners/guests that seem to think only their rules apply. One goes to the pool to swim and relax and you have kids screaming, jumping off the side, running around the pool and being too loud at the pool. Who will pick up the trash when no one is there?
c. What about non-paying home owners using the pool? How is this going to be monitored? They have keys.
The board needs to realize this is important to a lot of people who paid their dues and not being able to use the pool because there is:
too many guests in the pool, non-paying people using the pool, and guests that are abusing the pool rules. Think about this, and I hope you change you mind for the benefit of the community.
Ps. what happens if a child gets sick in the pool who do you notify?
I read the newsletter today I am a working single mother with two kids. Its my job to watch my kids not a pool person.
I cant afford a rise in my payment to pay for a pool baby sitter.
I'm ok with there not being a pool attendant if they are going to be like what we've had in the past. The season before last, we had a great one. Last season, we had a bunch of duds that would smoke, listen to loud music I didn't want my children to hear, hang with their own friends, etc. If you can get an attedant that is responsible and doing the job and not charge us extra in HOA fees, then I'm ok with that.
As far as for kids at the pool jumping, running and screaming... I have two kids, now ages 11 and 13. They are K-I-D-S and will act like it. They do not dive in the pool but if they want to hold hands and jump in the deep then that is ok. No harm to anyone. If they want to talk and laugh and play, they should be able to and if someone thinks it is to loud or not peaceful enough then maybe they need to go to a spa or their backyard. We have always tended to go when there is either no one there or only one other family as to not disturb anyone. We follow the pool runs of no diving or running, etc. but for someone to say they want peacefulness when they are there... That is just silly. Maybe go while others are at school/work or early morning/late evening. It is a community pool. A small one at that for how many? Around 300 families? Lets be realistic about it. I was told 2yrs ago there was a plan to build a larger, nicer olympic sized pool in the back of Legacy along with an RV park for boats, RVS etc. What happened to that? And is it still an option?
The new newsletter looks great! Good job HOA.
My shutters are peeling so I need to repaint. I can't match the color nor am I attached to it. Do I have to get some sort of approval and use only certain colors? TIA!
pompus ass
To the person who asked about the shutters - there is no rule about color. But just for confirmation, I'd suggest getting in touch with the ARC Chairman, Noel. He is at noel@legacysquarehoa.org.
kdsue24@yahoo.com for more information, pictures, etc.
Pretty incredible that this new president has already fired the new administrator. Who's watching the show??
I think there is something wrong with the new board. I spoke to the president and he was very rude.
Why doesn't the community have a say in who is our administrator!? We just got this last one and now there is someone else?!! WHY?
We are down to 4 board members now? What happened?
WHO IS FRANK MOORE? Who voted to change the administrator?? Why did they get rid of the other person? I spoke to that woman when I had to question what I owed in back dues, and she was very nice and polite to me. I think she should have been given a chance to help us.
I think there will be only one board member by next week. The community needs to ask questions. WHAT HAPPENED? What happened with Roddenberry?
I think there will be only one board member by next week. The community needs to ask questions. WHAT HAPPENED? What happened with Roddenberry?
Does anyone know when the rod iron fence near the entrance be repaired? I believe that it has been down close to ninety days now. It really looks bad. It has been down since St. Patrick's day weekend.
Who is managing this neighborhood now? Does anyone think better management is needed?
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